Humane slaughter in the UK

Animals are innocent
they haven’t done
anything wrong
subjected to our
probably all life long.
in fact its all life short
because we need to
see them dead
so we can make our margin
that is why they’re fed

its all about the money
the animals become
just oddities
and the farmers become
they forget that they
are creatures
with brains, with hearts
with soul
they are fearful,
they are anxious
they feel sadness
and their role
on this earth
was to LIVE not die
and not be forced to hear
their brethren killed
and hear them cry, with panic
and with fear
of their precious lives, stolen away
by operatives
on lousy pay!

to stand inside
a little cell
with frightened charges, who
are so aware of what’s about to happen
all of you
watch them jump
and try to get away
so spooked up by
the operative he’s
after them
is their last day
clumsily he holds his stunner
to their head and drags
them down
pulls them half
across the floor
in their stupor
they will drown
twitching, kicking
not to worry
hook them up,
we better hurry
shackling and
the operative
can’t understand
one sheep kicks
the hook off
can realise she wants
to free
herself from this
sick shackle, she
on her last legs,
tries desperately
fights to save herself,
that fear
I felt for her
and felt a tear
hang on my lid
and it was clear
I couldn’t bring myself
to say
that what I witnessed
felt right that day
it could be done individually
with a bit of, TLC

but clearly what we
all see here
is not humane
that’s very clear
operatives and inspectors
be numb to this
for the blood t they spill
or witness
every single day
is bound to make them
so blase

it is not right and can never be
authorized, I feel
Humanely killed
a government inspector
the blood spilled
the Government Inspector
he’s no where to be seen
witnessing this room of death
to me its just obscene
these are sentient beings
creatures of the field
mothers watching babies slaughtered
nothing is concealed
right in their face
imagine that
you meat eaters, just try
to get your thick heads round that
as you are set to die
the law of 3 fold return
is set in motion, why?
you are going to feel some pain
as more of these souls die
my suggestion is, go vegan
or at least reduce your meat
which has to help your consciousness
and improve the food you eat

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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