Somehow, we got split up
and now I am alone
I’ve never felt like this before
Its not something, that I’ve known
the water here is brackish
I do not like it here
it seems I am enclosed by nets
My head is full of fear
Where have my parents gone to
its most unusual, they
always stay close by me
and I don’t know what to say
The sea is cold, and I feel cold
all sorts of thoughts now rush
through my brain and cause me strain
and from my eyes I gush
I am so very frightened
I don’t know what to do
shall I surface
or stay where I am
could be my life, is through
but I’m so young, a baby only
what did I do wrong?
I loved to leap into the blue
for thats where I belong
free, as a Barracuda
that burst into each wave
somersaults and pirouettes
it really was a rave
play, it is so joyful
and inspiration for
Dolphins we are active
we are sprightly, we are sure
Freedom is our password
Wildness our delight
restricting us is awful
imagining our plight
stuck here in some smelly tank
or netted in some space
where we get caught up in the mesh
its such a dire disgrace
discomfort and much anguish
and this adversity
where are my precious parents?
oh! where now can they be
I surface for a moment
the boats are everywhere
the sea is red with blood
oh! dear
I really cannot bear
to imagine what is happening
and then I see mama
she’s on her side and bleeding
her eyes are dull, and papa
is hanging from a boat hook
also bleeding, dearie me
papa looks as if he’s dead
and mama, too actually
what now can I really do
can I get away
and even if I do escape
there’s no where I can play
No, that great blue ocean
takes no prisoners,out and I
without my parents helping me
of course I’m going to die
and then of course it happens
I’m plucked out from the sea
and roughly thrown down on the boat
oh! God where can I be
they row me to the dock head
and put me in a tank
the air is poor, its stifling
and everywhere feels rank
I can’t stay here the saline
is very very poor
no bubbles for my troubles
and just a lifeless floor
I swim around
and around and around
and around its such a bore
all I do is swim around
its not what life is for!
these fishermen from Taiji Cove
killed my parents, they
are heartless nasty bits of work
and one day they will pay
We Dolphins have instinctively
been sort of programmed to
be sympathetic to all earthlings
that’s how we get through
where we can we save souls
no matter, who they are
offer them assistance
be their lucky star
but sentient’s the so called humans
the beasts of old Tai Ji
using their vibration pipes
circumvent our parity
It seems that I’m to be the new exhibit
in the Tai ji centre, I will hear
the cries of family members
getting butchered
and have to
gawp at those fiends who appear
ignorant of our plight
arrogant of course
any wild ocean creature
stuck in a tank, to force
me into this environment
and expect me to be
happy then they have
come to terms with it
and see
one day I shall not breathe
in the
vital breath of air
I will die, will suffocate
perhaps think of a prayer
not just for me, one Dolphin
but for the human race
who treat wild ones
which is, such a disgrace
they say that time heals
thats what the humans say
but losing my sweet parents
in such a sordid way
embitters all my thoughts of you
and soon I have to die
along with all the other’s
just on the bottom lie.
I love the way you wrote this article. This is wonderful. I do hope you intend to write more of these types of articles. Thank you for this interesting content!