Arrogance pure and simple

Who imagines animals
were not conscious or aware
only those who tortured them
and ate them
I can’t bear
that ignorance
For that is what it is
I have to say
ww don’t need rocket scientists
to tell us the time of day
they come out with their long words
only to confuse
call yourself a scientist
and then you can believe
that any thing you tell us
is fact and will achieve
the great response your’e
well I’m sorry chum not me
there’s more to life than science
and thought can still be free
there’s the freedom to have one’s own
and sentient judgement too
and not wait for the edicts
that emanate from you
dependent upon whose paying
which has a lot to do with how
the message is reported
so whether Pig or Cow
to tell us that their conscious
you’ll get no claps from me
so despite your neocortex
and their lack of it, I be
wholly understanding that animals
possess more sentient qualities
than our carnivores
and would stress
they look away
whilst others torture them and gain
kingdom over seeing them
writhing in great pain
in Factory Farms and Fur Farms
they are, driven mad
caged up, not fed properly
and although that’s very bad
Government turn its eyes away
and leaves them to that plight
anal slaughter and or gassing
all done out of sight
every soul has feeling
every soul feels pain
some make lots of noise about it
others just restrain
their bleating’s, for the ether
for Factory farms can’t hear
and corporates with their
balance sheets and their
shareholders, appear
the instigators, really, to the
myth that goes around
that farm animals are dead
from the neck up
which does astound
the likes of any vegan or farmer
for they know
that each has their own
which changes as they grow
no different from the so called
humans, I venture to say
and perhaps those eating animals
would remember this today

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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