Hot dancers

In the candle flame
I glimpsed her
she, no apparition
just a purple goddess
on a secret mission
clearly she was everything
a mortal could take in
dancing really
so rhythmically
and each tiny spin
diadems were sparkling
her flame did
I had witnessed
her embrace
from some other realm
linked with the ethereal
beyond reality
somehow she was in
my eyes
a kind of sweet duality

Every thought thereafter
one of certain chance
the flame in her did flicker
the goddess she did dance
her eyes, of course were burning
and I transfixed
and lost
my senses on the line alas
for the kisses that she tossed
in the candle flame
I glimpsed
she no apparition
tresses of the rainbow kind
a one off premonition ?

a love sick fool now wanders
sort of aimlessly
breathing in the
perfume of her soul
tortured by the waves
that press my psyche
my heart now aching
so out of control
In the candle flame
I glimpsed her
she no apparition
just a purple goddess
seeking my permission
to be part, of my aching heart
a mortal in a sweat
too close to the candle flame
part of the hot dance set
waxing now so lyrically
her ardour so intense
she had reached my inner
completely without sense
struggling to understand
what now, should I do
wrapped up in her melody
and wanting to dance too
gyrations of the sensual kind
sprung from my inner core
burning up and loving it
like nobody before
her flames now burn
inside of me
there’s nothing I can do
but feel her every movement
and love her all life through
Autumn is upon us
the nights are drawing nigh
How long have I got dear lord
Before I close each eye
and feel my breath subsiding
her touch I dare say I
cannot feel
I now reveal
I just, want to lie

with her forever

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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One Response to Hot dancers

  1. I read your whole blog. I like your writing . Thanks for sharing.

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