The Time has come to save
the Orangutan Nation
to get out there
and help them on their way
let them brachiate
up there in the canopy
let them live a happy life
and play
we human’s are too
selfish for our own good
The Palm Oil Corporates
are a bunch who try
to wrestle with the
people of the forest
to take advantage and just
watch them die
just so that they
can accumulate their dollars
just so that they
can build up all their power
just so that they can sacrifice
the forests
ruin everything and hour on hour
the forests are a living
breathing entity
teeming with rich life
put there for all
it doesn’t belong to the
corporates to those
soulless constitutions
who are happy for each
vibrant tree to fall
banksters and corruption
who cackle night and day
printing money for themselves
a happy hour a way
their nemesis
the rising power of consciousness
people who are heart felt
and who care
about the great red ape
and all
the other beings
who exist
part of the whole
and want to share
their bodies through
the myriad of greenery
the lungs are pumping, thumping
every day
oxygenating and creating
everything we see
the living sharing forests
which were left to you and me
left to the great Red Ape
the Tiger and Tapir
and the Yanomami, The Shuar
oh! its so clear
The Orangutan Nation
greatest culmination
was freedom from
what has become
complete disintegration
deforestation, defoliation
under corporate
their salvation shot away
the ugliest sensation
the segregation and
and consequential
a complete cessation
of what was the
great causation
the droll dramatization
and vilest
the curtailment of the
Red Ape invocation
that transit state
to their annihilation
of the wildness and its
total ruination
the axe and saw that
heightens devastation
a vast influx of alien
corporates with
all this machination
and it must be said
so little imagination
guilty of complete
eradication for their own
power base and their ordination
using levels of intimidation
to continue what is complete
and a truly, violent decimation
of the wondrous
Orangutan Nation
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