Loss of habitat is clearly
its affecting many animals Today
the influence of humans
and now corporates
who’ve got their dirty hands
on a new way
of making lots of dollars
with their Banksters
and buying up the Palm Oil
in huge lots
putting it in product
after product
even into peanut butter pots
soya milk and all manner
of foodstuffs
cheapening a product
by its add
over oiling products and thus
increasing margins
and for this new addition
it gets sad
sad, because encroachment
seems the answer
greed breeds greed
and corporates are good
they have the power to
change the face
of Palm oil
to increase production
though of course they should
realize the forests
full of animal life
and fauna too
to sacrifice this teeming
and replace it with a dark and
sombre stew
is tantamount to bordering on
its displaces the
indigenous if there
of course the larger
like the elephants
who when displaced
in times of trouble
will despair
they need to eat
fresh greenery
and daily,
they need to drink
as every being does
and if the forests are
replaced with Palm Oil
then the life force and
its most amazing buzz
is lost and so the
Elephants and Orangutans
find themselves
without a place to go
The corporates awareness
is of money
that’s all they want
as most of you now know
animals are commodities
Thy’re not even considered
and besides are a negative
influence they feel
losses can accumulate
and so they
put down poison bait
and elephants are dying
every day
they come around because
their very hungry
and this their habitat
well up till now
memories based on Matriach’s of long ago
established where and what and why
and how
Palm Oil needs great heat and rain, its happy
and came from Africa in 1910
Malaysia now produces
some 83 per cent
of the world production
and it seems content,
with enriching
Western corporates every single day
at the expense of its own people
and the environment
who pay
such a price
is long term I think foolish
displacement of wild
creatures is a sin
pulling down the forest
is insanity
where the oxygenated forces
the quality of air
in this rich country
the burning of the
wood and fauna do
create huge clouds
of vile and dire
that directly threaten
human beings too
young children and the elderly
are dying
Orangutans are displaced and
since they always lived up in the canopy
and if there is no canopy
they die
their feet
are not equipped
to walk the litter
they use their long arms
and they swing from trees
so to cut down their
environment to increase
Palm Oil production
is calamitous and unlikely
to appease
anyone who associates
with either group
The Rhino and The tiger
also fall
within those now at risk
and its imperative
that the world wakes up
and realizes all
the implications
which are now astounding
people have to
listen to our call
the yield from palm
is very high, in cooking oil
it withstands temperatures
and is deemed to be
and so of course
the corporates have caught on
to its use
it sensationally
improves their
margins and that’s their salvation
The animals and
the indigenous
will not
give them the same living
and so they are not forgiving
tear more forests down
and watch the planet
go to pot
around 4 millions acres of rich forest
is being carved up
every single year
all that rich diversity
is being lost
and the planets lungs are suffering,
I fear
fires kill
and the poison baits kill also
habitat loss
pits man against the souls
who lived their lives
in what for them was Paradise
until the corporate interest
and their goals
In 1997 some 8000 Orangutans were
killed they could not flee
in the violent conflagration
in a fire storm
that affected every tree
migration routes are threatened
and suffice to say
some animals
are now critical or worse
and so we have to
realize exactly
what we’re doing
long term it
fells as if a horrid curse
really these greedy care for no one
would sacrifice the planet
any day
to accumulate the power
to run their empires and
tell Governments to let them
have their say
Palm Oil effluent is yet
another problem
its dumped into the water sources, and
already its polluting a vast area
impacting human beings
nobody is important in the rush
to fill their coffers
the people, the animals and of course the land
Unsustainable Palm oil
we must boycott
Show those corporate bandits
we won’t play
ball with them, not now
nor in fact ever
we are looking at the forest
now today
we see great evil waves
of sick destruction
it creeps across the face
as it destroys
Life, life as we knew it
and replaces creativity and joys
with what is a sick and stony silence
a sort of sombre savage oily waste
and though Palm Oil
breeds profit
its cost is far too high
which the triple bottom
line has now replaced
3 Responses to Palm oil production and its effect on the larger mammals and the environment