Clearly seals like
any creature
on God’s earth
do feel
and they do care
maternal instincts
no one can conceal
not confined to
humans for life and death
we share
millions killed for fashion
and ATTA are not aware
really its so wasteful a tragedy that
does bring
the tears and the emotion
what are humans all about?
why do they sacrifice those who
live their lives
as we all do
the right to call
the shots to end
the lives
its all or nothing
you realize
that Seals love life
so no surprise
to me
you see it on the sand
allows the slaughter
of so many
nursing pups and all
will be
beaten till their black and blue
and die in agony
a wondrous land
where tourists flock
to sea the Seals most
that they are slaughterd
where they sit
beside their mothers
who must share
their deaths
their pain
their cries
of woe
as evil rains down
as the show
goes on
I can say
from the heart
when did all this
killing start?
Renee Peel
a champion here
has worked tirelessly
for many a year
to remind us all
what man achieves
when he only just believes
and sadly he believed it right
to slaughter every Seal in sight
to kill the babies
suckling souls
and flog their pelts
for coats and stoles
to kill some 80,000 and
think the world will understand
the world is sad by their ordeal
emotional and very real
concern is felt that they have the right
to massacre such souls at sight
and its in the name of fish stocks but
Its really money that’s what they’ve got
For the love of Seals
Renee Peel
works tirelessly
and does reveal
Man’s inhumanity to them all
Who by now, are really too close to call
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