There’s an aura about
Folly’s Farm
you can feel it in the air
a grassy field in Potten End
where doting Donkeys share
some peace and quiet
some tenderness, some love
and lots of care.
most have suffered at the
hands of abusers
mistreated clearly
saddened by it all
but now they’re settled in
they clearly love the place
the gift of life
does quickly underpin
all the good work
spread around at Folly’s
and Sue and Paul’s hard work
clearly shines through
These two clearly are
a pair of angels
feeling that they do
what they must do.
altogether 22 dear Donkeys
now 2 Ponies
and a Mule of course
this the complete family
what a lovely bunch they are
and what is felt is quite
a divine force
its clearly not an easy
operation but Sue and Paul
apparently they can
rustle up enough support
to keep the whole show on the road
and its been like this since
everything began
Dedication to the task
of caring
for Donkeys who have
had their share of woe
people are unfair
the grief’s apparent
but when they get to Folly’s then
they know
that here’s a place where
they can just rest easy
take their time and
nonchalantly devour
nice fresh grass
and wild plants all available
and rebuild themselves
with some good old Donkey Power
Today I saw them
running through the meadow
chewing on the wild plants
that abound
feeling all that sunshine
on their tired old backs
and padding out their
music on the ground
clearly they all realize
the rotor
and do respond
to Paul and Sue for sure
intelligent and happy
in their sanctuary
a home from home
and who could want for more
Folly’s farm Sanctuary for Donkeys
c/o Nursery Terrace,Potten End, Berkhamsted
Hertfordshire. HP4 2QU
01442 871158
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