Digital Medicine

For me its getting
far beyohd the pale
I think
digital medicine
intrinsically leads us
to the brink
Imagines that improbity
exists and that such traits
its New World Order
arrogance and absurdity
that awaits

those needing medication
we do seemingly
it may be those
dispensing it
that actually should be
taking it
for the patients relegated
to no more
than the status of a Guinea Pig
or perhaps a GM Boar
fitted with a mini chip which
a voltage in response
to be relayed
via the New World Order
who will store the information
and all instructions
must then be obeyed

They will instruct the Doctors to
raise your dose accordingly
and ensure its injected into you
so this is digital medicine
chipped from birth my dears
which cancels out all
freedom that might accrue

everywhere we go
and just everything we do
will be monitored and recorded
and photographed anew
worse than any of the slaves
for at least part of their day
might have been considered there’s
but here the only way
here you will be monitored
and really this thought scares
the daylights out of me
once you are signed up
your affairs
are replaced
you an experiment
and that’s about the sum
of what then is existence
under The New World order’s thumb
which controls your every movement
whenever, day and night
monitored and photographed
and stripped of your birthright

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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