To be able, to read a mind
there has to be a mind to read
Those who are sentient enough
and can understand and feed
into what the public want
and really how they tick
killing little babies
makes everybody sick
The seals so many out there
and how they came to be
A sanctuary,it is a place of calmness
Near the sea
Where we see the wild folk’s wildness
Tourists get the tour
and begin to understand
really a lot more
and wouldn’t they be upset
to know that very soon
The babies that they just observed
would be beaten by some loon
we were here to rest and look around
expectations high
but the truth was
sadly this was just a whole lot
For the babies every season
as their suckling
are beaten to a pulp
which seems perverse
nobody would expect that
of a sanctuary
But Namibia has its sights
on other things
Each pelt provides some revenue
and money is the key
on the one hand
a creature competing
with fishermen who be
complaining that their catch is down
all the while these creatures feed
and so the Namibian Government
thinks, some just have to bleed
a bit who cares, that’s reality
their competitors after all
competing in the ocean
for shared fish
which does gall
a sadness permeates
the whole agenda
a tragedy created
from the crowd
the weather has been very cold
and windy and thunderstorms
have hung down like a shroud
The shed men live their miserable existence
wet, covered in the blood and snot and pain
they’d been paid a measly sum and told
to kill them all
exactly where they sat
to bash their brain
and 80 or so thousand
souls are slaughtered
in a peaceful cove
a Sanctuary
it really is a lie
of such proportions
that all these
tiny babies tragically
The seals are clearly really
going through it
their numbers being depleted
by the day
soon there won’t be any seals
to speak of
and then I bet the Namibians
will say
they upped and left
and we now are the victims
we have lost our bounty
and the goals
But th0se of us who know
what’s really happened
murdered by the gangs
of half cut trolls
mercenary types
who tear and rip them
they do it and
They grunt and sniff all day
their nails so broken and bloodied
from the dead souls
who let the Turk just steal
their life away
Clearly there are those
who would now film us
clearly there are some
who come and cry
clearly there are some
who try to stop us
but clearly we are here
and will defy
gun toting armed assassins
they now guard us
we thrash and bash and stash
the bodies red
their pelts torn off their body
they display their twisted sinews
the sea birds cough and splutter
and are led
swallowing the carcasses
and choking
fighting for the remnants
that remain
dropping bits of broken seal
back down on the sandy shore
and flying off
and coming back again
like rats with wings
these bloody awful vermin
vomit from their back ends
spluttering so
blood and snot and bones
where once a baby was
the skeleton coast
is aptly named
you know
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