Namibian authorities tell the world they are safe guarding their population

Don’t come with all that garbage about
increasing populations
Condoms might be safer
and thus should be used more
Namibia is flogging pelts
to that Turk in Australia
whose flogging high priced
seal coats for big bucks
in his store
rendering their bodies
for oil out in Taiwan I hear
compressors and transformers
that’s what the oil is for
Bulls Penises its all about
sad old men’s libido,
and longevity which sadly
I ignore
But because they are eating
dried Bulls penis
6000 Bull seals
therefore have to see
Shot to death in cold blood
for their penis
sent to Taiwan and China
I agree
both frustrated groups
should get their sex drive
up and running otherwise
My God
Baby seals could live
the life of Riley
instead of that
they murder the whole pod
Innocence is wiped out
in a moment
Sadism and cruelty becomes
the normal way of working
in Namibia’s Cape Cross
and listen to the sounds
of all those drums
the goons who come with sticks
and do the grisly work
of murdering the babies
every day
skinning them and leaving
their sad bodies
to rot,to suppurate
and they will pay
Namibia trots out the same excuses
a sickness clearly envelops
all we see
the strips of sand
where thousands will be slaughtered
the killing will go on indefinitely
The ombudsman and all the high and mighty
can think on what they are doing
and allow
to slaughter in this manner
tiny babies
when the world at large
is asking truly how
there is any justification for this process
this impulse to attack and beat to death
to crush to rush to brush aside
the innocent
denying them the right
to share a breath
Namibia you let yourselves down
you show the world how
terrible you are
When tourists come you show them
peaceful seal cubs
and when they’re gone
you murder them and star
in the film yourselves
for its a holocaust
resentment for the killing
for it feeds
and clearly you are creating negativity
and anger and resentment for it needs
a re think of the policy
is certain
your truly so hard hearted
and you must
think now what you are doing
it really makes no sense
spare the seals
for that now would be just

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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