Compassion and Ignorance

How can we stay silent?
When our voice can be heard
To sit back and let Seals
be murdered
and not, utter one word
in fact makes us compliant
as bad as those who wear
the fur,the skin of babies
and who say, they are unaware

They knew it did not grow
on trees
and it didn’t come from oil
It wasn’t knitted from sheep’s wool
or created out of soil
They know it came
Innocent sweet souls
less than 6 months
old with great big eyes
and afraid of poles
with hooks that come
a crashing down on them
from a great height
and turn their skins into a mash of red
so that they fight
for every breath, of salty air
that they can till they die
slaughtered in cold blood
by Trolls who failed
to pass them by.

These mean vile men of muscle
who mix it on the sands
who turn on us and kill us
with their dirty smelly hands
their sweaty grimy bodies
assassins thats their job
who believe that they
can come and take
and bloody well just rob
us of what is well rightly ours
our skin in which we found
ourselves in, at our dawn of time
there on the wet ground.

Compassion they don’t know this word
Ignorance describes
everything they do to us
the salty air imbibes
them with a frenzied stupor
they lose it in the air
and strewn along the sands alas
are our guts and our despair
and then they come in droves they do
scooping up the sand
covering all our entrails
all of this is planned
deceit laid on for the foreigners
for those who come to see
the peaceful world of the seals of Nam
in their coastal sanctuary.

Inspired by a tweet I saw this evening
from Dr Shenita Etwaroo

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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