Animals are our victims

Mentally scarred
and for what, so that we
can look in the mirror
and begin to see
ourselves in a better light
powder and lotions
lipsticks and eye balms
and all sorts of potions.

perfumes and flower waters
synthetic stuff
full of e numbers
and more than enough
of ethoxylates, retinol
chemical brews
that moisten that firm up
that all are good news

but they may cause a rash or make
some very sore, our eyes
may go red
and our head may feel raw
or our nose may get
bunged up with mucus
so thick
or our tongues may swell up
just, because, we lick

it may cause our ears to burn
just like a fire
or our face to go red
or our hair go like wire
to safeguard consumers
from all of this stuff
animals lives are of course
made more rough

then there’s the hair dye’s
restorers, shampoo’s
conditioners, shiners
all of the clue’s
are there in the useage
but cocktails of things
need to be tested
just to see what that brings

to consumers with all
sorts of skin types
who may
find it suddenly reddens
or withers away
and so its the Rats and The Mice
that will be
injected with all sorts
to just wait and see

Rabbits and Pigs
have no tear ducts and so
squirt stuff in their eyes
and watch no tears flow
such vile inflammation
that gets ultra sore
an irritant really
they cannot ignore

their bodies are shaved
and rubbed in the stuff
till thick running wheals
show that they’ve had enough
of course it is greatly
concentrated to see
the worse scenario
that there could be

they they move up to puppies
the Beagles of course
a tough hardy breed
with amazing life force
blow smoke up their nostrils
acrid sensations
again share their bodies
with vile aggravations

test pesticides
cleaners those in our house
bleaches, detergents
toothpastes, we douse
ourselves in mite potions
louse balms and soaps
and need to be sure
that our skin also copes

then the military wants to use
animals too
in rockets in drones
in their droves so they do
get shot out at
get burned and subjected to cold
to solvents and acids
as in them their rolled
tests on their strength
and also much more
all of the gases and
products of War

then the procedures
op’s on their feet
their hands on their brains
we are never discreet
again their hair’s shaved
and their bodies dyed red
some are dyed purple
clearly some led
genetically modified
xeno transplantation
they glow in the dark
from jelly striation

a whole lot of agonies
animals find
and then the one’s
also harming their mind
electrodes to stimulate
all kinds of stress
they injure and harm them
they get into a mess
they can’t sleep
how they scratch
and develop deep sores
pus laden boils
and damage their jaws
and all without
anaesthesia so
the animals suffer
more pain that we know

infected with vaccines
they suffer malaise
they vomit, they shit and they
its a phase
their blinded
they can’t hear
they sit all alone
some just go nuts
from the boredom
their sewn
their eyelids are sewn
their lips sometimes
sensory experiments
is what we do
kept in the dark
or strapped on some wheel
shot out of a shell
its all done for real

subjected to gasses to oils
for a spell
immersed in water
cloned toned and boned
till life becomes Hell
Primates right up to the
great Chimpanzees
the Orangutans too
that swung in the
subjected to tests that
worry them so
and gives them the shakes
where ever they go

Studies with all sorts of
trauma so they
can see the hassle
and just how they pay
Onto paints
garden stains and snail killing gels
every conceivable potion
that sells
some are cut up and sewn
back together
without anaesthetics
just to see whether
they cry or they die
or they suffer intensely
years of this damages
earthlings immensely

some will be killed
but others might be
taken and kept inside
a laboratory as a pet
yet more cruelty coming
their way
or end up in a circus
or fairground all day

The animals all of them
suffer so much
we of course clearly
are so out of touch
we cannot imagine
what they under go
in all of the Corporate
Tests that now grow
they are terribly damaged
made sick and blind
depressed and so anxious
many just find
solace in death
for to live would be bad
and are slaughtered in droves
which I’m sure most are glad

and some make a sanctuary
somewhere to be
that is a the key
they can sit and reflect
on the years of despair
plucked from the jungle
and taken somewhere
tied up and caged
gagged and stained red
their teeth removed
and so badly fed
not given water
not given care
more electrodes are fitted
and so more despair

The animal earthlings
How they suffer so
sentient beings
it comes as a blow
to them to be restrained
with ligatures tight
sprayed with cold water
and kept in bright light
vivisection and more
along comes big Pharma
GM and War
Nano tech, cloning
its awful to hear
them moaning and groaning
and suffering fear.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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