Whose responsibility now is it?
so many victims
and no help at all
Agent orange spilled
out of the heavens
Dioxin laden spray
which went and killed
400,000 people
everyone of them
a healthy caring soul
and I defy
anyone to argue with me on this
there was no reason for these
souls to die.
a billionth of a gram
can cause a cancer
how we pay for ignorance
in war
20 million gallons
was dropped into the forests
12% of Vietnam
did draw
American aggression
and the forests
were laid bare
every creature
every person that was
living there
was either killed or maimed
or left to suffer in
great pain
what men will do to other men
is truthfully insane.
Farmers working on their land
got drenched in all this spray
the TCCD levels
were generally way
above the USDA rules
laid down for its
commercial use
180 million times
which was just rank abuse
500,000 children
born with, deformities
and no one really able to help them
brought on by an unnatural force
that swept in on them
and they
made to be the scapegoats
the children made to pay
There is nothing that’s more evil
than harming innocent life
little babies coming into the world
and facing strife
of this just awful nature
its a terribly selfish thing
and then leaving them
to their own means
such bitterness it does bring
in many hearts around this world
who see and feel the grief
that America could do this
it is beyond belief
Monsanto and Dow
Chemicals have
barristers galore
they will not be punished
for the vagaries of war
they have made it very clear
that nothing they did was wrong
and Vietnam can whistle
whistle a sweet song
The bible bashing Yanks
will get their just reward
its clear
maybe not in this life
but the next
so says this seer