They know who they are
Their photograph shows
Their image, it now shows
their judgement which grows
More vivid each time someone
sees their face
And see the giraffe
Which the family disgrace
There is an innocent
Wild creature who
Died where it was born
A bullet clean through
Its body, the hunter
A parent, his wife by his side
And their children beside them
I am mystified
They will never live this down
Whatever the do
And where ever the go
The whole world goes too
£10,000 notes was the price
that they paid
And this great lofty beast
Of course they have slayed
What power and what pleasure
they must have derived
Knowing the dangers and how
they survived
Behold the brave hunter
Credit his prowess
Knowing that karma
One day will redress
Story from the sun 17/1/2012
and all over Facebook