That sheep was pretty tasty
Our sisters disgorged and fed
The pups who scoffed it avidly
And the fleece became their bed
Ranches have their moments
But it appears to me
More of them are coming
Our wild woods far from free
And all of them have fire sticks
And arrows made of steel
The men ride fast on horses
The dangers are for real
We have to hunt tomorrow
4 little pups to feed
2 Sisters, yes
Lone and me
we just need to succeed
Earthworms arn’t enough
Nor mice, and birds, all bones and feathers
Fish are there for taking
But fishing in all weathers
Gets cold and we get very wet
Its better now to try
And hit Blakes Ranch, a second time
Where the nutritions high
At midnight when the moon
is bright
When owls hoot on the wing
When Blakes sons scoot around their beds
In their pyjamas sing
They won’t want to get their sorry
arses down
Or fire their firesticks in the night
When we go to town
Our powerful teeth can crush
leg bones
Can suck the marrow sweet
We can share our spoils with Lakota Joe
For pork for him’s a treat
The problem is those angry sons
May try to find our cave
its important that we cover tracks
And make damn sure we save
All along the river great tall rushes
Good camouflage for wily wolves
Where grasshoppers do go
Its not an Elk or a White Tail
But when food is scarce its good
To know where there are nice hors’ deuvres
For if nothing else it could
Keep us out of trouble
If we can’t get in the shed
And we can skirt for carrion
Thats nice and high instead
We wolves will eat the berries
There’s lot of stuff to eat
But man is getting in our face
And is after the same meat
We do not understand for we
Hunt to stay alive
But men just hunt for sport they say
We’ve seen Deer take a dive
and lay there panting bleeding out
and the men just drive away
What a waste of creative life
To make a dear soul pay
We take, old and injured game
To keep the cream on tap
But Hunters seem illogical
They fire at any crap
If we can keep within ourselves
Do our instinctive stuff
And not play into their sad hands
Then maybe there’s enough
Forest, game and future
For wolves to do their thing
Share and share alike
And see what that does bring
Animal rights are out there
There are angels in and around the place
Prepared to take the hunters on
And argue face to face
The Animal Liberation boys and girls
are out their too
Prepared to see the hunters off
Courageous that’s our view
They stand up and are counted
And we feel safer, that they
Are out there doing their sweet stuff
To protect wild folk Today