So Lancashire is not the only area
Now Cuadrilla sets its sights abroad
Wants to ear mark sites in Kent and Sussex and Surrey too so clearly the reward
Is vast amounts of shale gas for the taking
All they have to do is drill and send
Chemicals and proppants down into the earth
And feel its right whatever time they spend
Doing this despite the threat of earthquakes
Of pollution and whatever else is said
Clearly there’s a move a foot to get the public on their side
Geologists, Professors now have led
An orchestra of specialists advising
That fracking isn’t bad as its been said
Telling us already there is methane in the water
And with transparency they should go ahead
It seems to me that whatever the objectors say
It already has been decided what they’ll do
The Company is meeting protestors at Balcombe but I guess whatever view
Comes out of that tonight will make no difference
The 2 sides wont accept each others plan
But that Fracking will continue that shale gas will be extracted
And objections will be just flushed down the pan.
My take on an
Article in the Guardian posted to me 10/1