In Kasargod a region of Kerala, South India
Villagers have been suffering for years
The Municipal Government,thought it prudent to
Do away with Tea Mosquito’s,but by so doing heightened many fears
A helicopter spraying Endosulphan from the sky
Has increased the serious illnesses of people and
They know why
this awful toxic chemical
protecting Cashew Trees
Ends up in their villages and kills off all the Bees
Its an organochlorine,and it smells of turpentine
Its very very harmful to people down the line
Lots have died excruciating deaths and many more
Walk about like zombies their bodies tired and sore
How Bayer got this chemical approved in 54
with USDA it just shows you somehow they did ignore
The really perilous nature and so it was allowed
And tonnes of it have been made around the world and have been showered
Many I am sure have been injured and many more have died
Some have made a lot of money I am sure some souls have lied
But now its being banned at last ,some 50 years of pain
China and India use it still, but most others now refrain
But only very recently despite Panna and those
Who fought to show the authorities how the terrible threat grows
Its been found as far as the arctic wastes
in breast milk near and far
with a half life of some 60 years
One must wonder how we are
When these awful chemicals are approved and allowed to be
used all over, whoever erred, will pay karmically.