DEFRA says that 30 farms refuse
to ditch these cages
They had 12 long years to comply
and that is blooming ages
Imagine all the hens that
perished, all the hens that had
To go through pain and torture
and all went bloody mad
Chickens are not prisoners
They forage and they roost
They stretch their wings
They like dust baths
For them there is no boost
Hell is the production
Its easier for those
Who put profit before welfare
And of course the profit grows
Their charges, are the chickens
Whose eggs they bloody sell
Stolen from the chicken
Something we do well
Imprison them, and feed them badly
Stuff them in a shed
With artificial lighting
and ventilation, and that said
Turn them from a sentient
to a worn out sick machine
A machine you’d look after better
Than the chicken, we’re so mean
To what what God has created
We treat them terribly
And to think that farmers
snub their nose to DEFRA now
shows me
The supermarkets started this
not prepared to pay
a proper price
to farmers
Who cut corners anyway
If they can keep the old wolf
from their rusty door
and make some extra margin
they will do that more and more
Consumers all they want is food
thats cheaper, How we kill
Who cares about the chickens
Can anyone instil
an attitude of caring
When no one cares, a bit
And so the voiceless suffer
Another bird they cram
into a tiny A4 cage
it is, it is a sham
They cannot sit or move
Its total Hell which we all know
Millions of them suffer fractures as they grow
Thinking of the brutish nasty
filthy manner we
Keep these poor birds in
I say imagine it now, with me