After Fukashima Why did our Gov’t try to play down the risks

When the mixed oxide fuel plant closed after Fukashima
I have to say though a tragedy in Japan
It rang alarm bells in almost every country
And I was one particularly happy man
I’ve always seen the dangers of this energy
Plutonium and Uranium may sell
Just one pound of plutonium released into the sky
Would send most of this island into Hell
Forever for at least 500,000 years that’s forever in my book, I say
MOX are very dangerous and accidents can happen
And when they do that’s it the people pay
Totally un-insurable anything to do with Mox
But nobody tells you that, that is their way
And after Fukashima I believe the news
Came out the British Government had tried
To play Down Fukashima despite all of that terror
So our nuclear reactors stayed on side
It really is a wasteful form of energy
Millions of gallons of water wasted here
Turned into radio active water and most licensed to be, dumped into the sea
Then the waste is accumulating all around the world
Its dumped in quarries here and there anywhere it can be hurled
Without the public knowing
With half lives of so long
Our children’s children’s children will
realise how wrong
How much would it cost to keep it safe
for 1/2 a million years
imagine the cost for one lot
and there are thousands of lots, my dears
You can’t believe the politicians they haven’t got a clue
Renewable’s are the safest form of energy and
that’s true
Say No  to Nuclear energy Say No stand up and say No to Nuclear energy until your dying day

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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