Blake was clear
They did endear
Themselves to him
When he
Wrote “Tiger Tiger
Burning Bright”
Its flashing spirit
He talked about the forest
The darkness that was there
Could he have known
What men today have
caused with brute despair
The trophy
hunting hoodlums
vile and spiteful rakes
Who use their sick illgotten gains
For free reign and high stakes
To go into the forests
With their arsenal of death
Blake’s understanding
And the great souls precious breath
To stalk him
with their rifles
To blast him with their fire
The anvil of the innocent
The evil ones conspire
His power and strength
They overcame
An apex predator lost
Blake himself a protagonist
Who understood the cost
But the bloody
ignorant hunters
Knew nothing of the earth
A trophy for their ego
These giants found their worth
Proudly thus displaying
Their pompous attitude
With the bollocks of a bed bug
and so much ingratitude
Blake described
still further
Whose hand could so create
He understood the value
and tried to demonstrate
The conflict that was present
Within Blake’s beating heart
Clearly based on zoolatry
Was the best place he could start
In 20 years though insight
and realization reigns
Clearly there are
Hunters still
Arrogant eco drains
Prepared to, by their actions
Deprive the world of those
Bring the beasts
who had the power to roam
To a violent close
They cannot see
outside their tiny closed minds
and therefore
Their sickness overwhelms us
For we share the blood and gore
We are present as extinction
became reality
We close our eyes and we look away
culpable are we
The Tigers in the forest
Grow rarer by the day
Don’t worry say the scientists
We will keep their DNA!
Frozen in some laboratory
we can replicate and we
Have the power thats if we choose to, to create
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