appeared alive with thunder
Deafening like
great drums in the sky
We hadn’t seen the lightening
but we felt a storm was imminent
But up to to now
the last few weeks were dry
We threaded our way
over to the Seaman Place,
a farm with cows and sheep
and chickens, we
Decided to go that way and bag ourselves some dinner,
They had a dog of sorts
but honestly.
They kept him chained up
by the gate and we knew
He’d bark and growl
but that’s about all he
Would do and so we got down through the corn field
and got into the chicken house, to see
a 100 or so squawking cocks
were present, a few
old hens,
which Lone and I devoured
We knew that Seamen’s sons
could use their rifles
And rather than risk an injury
we powered
down the yard and out across the meadow
By the time Old seaman raised his butt
We were in the forest several miles away
But could still hear the yelping from their mutt.
It wasn’t all that wise to steal the chickens
And mean’t old Seaman had it in for us
But wolves do question why the human family
Build farms on land that’s wild and then do cuss
We after all are wild we live on wild lands
we have to eat and drink and find our way
With the white men more and more of them establishing their homes here
We know the pressure rises by the day
In the forest we caught Rabbits but our quest today
Was to find ourselves an Elk maybe a Deer
We had to get some real meat in our stomachs
And that’s of course another thing around here
Hunters from the towns come with their 4 by 4’s, their camouflage their rifles and their bows
A lot of wolves have met their end, and trappers they are not our friend
Running into one of them can purposefully send
Any soul into the great big spirit world
For the trappers want our pelts ours are thick
We do have to be watchful of the Trappers
and the Hunters, and the farmers and just stick
As far away from all of them as possible
Up around Lakota land is best
But this area is only small and 20 wolves there as a rule
It is becoming too much of a test.
So Lone and I decided we would leave the cave
and start out for the forest far away
Where Bears and Boars were happily
Living side by side, and we
Could set up home together so to say
That place was full of caves and caverns
Great gnarled trees and fallen rocks
We knew we’d find another place
And on a lake there, there were flocks
Of geese and ducks and water fowl
a haven for us boys
Looking skyward at this sight
was one of the wolves joys.
Wolves everywhere are suffering
Loss of Habitat
The Human creed want to succeed
They build and well, that’s that
We have to clear off pretty fast
Or face the wrath of man
With his fire sticks and his powerful bows
And his selfish one stroke plan
So we ran for miles 3 days 3 nights
and reached the forest where
We’d hope to find a safe warm cave
and put our roots down there
And sure enough we found it, quite high
which was good
And was facing south
So at its mouth
We had sunshine and we could
Sit, well just inside the cave
and still feel the suns rays
Far Infra red to it we’re wed
For its energy then plays
Into our real make up
Our positivity
And since we’ve been here
We’ve eaten well
Its was the place to be
But men come with their
Steam Trains
Great wheels that whistle long
They drive on great steel tracks
And there is such a throng
Of people, coming fast towards
our wild lands possibly
They will see the sense
Of creating l permanency
a wild life park a huge reserve
where me and lone can be
running with our pack
The pack they call the bold Nari
Nari of course Iran in reverse