Rabbits and their fur

In the early morning
when the dew is full and wet
Along the cut the rabbit folk
Early risers set
On finding the new herbage
Clover and chickweed
Sweet and tasty rich and green
Tis here the Rabbits feed

Docile little critters
Constantly engaged
Digging out their burrows
And carving out their page
Sandier soils preferred of course
On land that sees the sun
Whose grass will soon be nibbled down
Neatly as if spun

Their Ears are always pricked up
The Weasel, Fox and Stoat
Love a dish of Rabbit
Something all should note
Listen as they thump the ground
A warning played out here
Something to be wary of
In essence it spells fear

And off they scuttle to their holes
Their little tails on show
These fluffy soft appendages
Worn by Fur hags we know
Rabbits know the outcome too
And so remain alert
Shot gun pellets up their arse
They know that it does hurt

The fashion houses want to use
Rabbits thats for sure
And many are stripped of their hair
Their pain we do ignore
Tortured and decapitated
stripped of precious hair
so ugly women rich on ignorance
can walk on air

My appeal to those who feel
An animals skin should be
Used in clothes they buy or shoes they wear
Please see
A living soul died miserably
Twas innocent unyet
Was murdered by some sicko
Who raised his karmic debt

But to you who wear this dead skin
Remember you too will
Pay a price a significant price
For unless someone did kill
Those animals created with that fur
and that skin
For their unique protection for you
it is a sin

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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