Our fight for the right to be

Hydropower rollouts
Now threaten us, we
The Gujjar and Gaddi tribes
Why should we be
Threatened, as guardians
of Himachai Pradesh
Believe we have the right
to stay and exact
our pound of flesh
Our lives are as important
The environent is too
All the impact assessments
What are they going to do
But ruin what we live for
Our livelihoods, and we
Intend to battle for whats ours
and do so mercilessly.

Our Buffalo’s, our Goats and Sheep
We’re a proud race and we can
if needed fight with all our might
down to the last man
All the mills along the Hui
And the terraces we farm
We preserve the natural enviroment
Which remains forever calm
Our children bathe in the silver pools
The oak forest serves us well
steep slopes afford protection
Whats proposed for us is Hell

A pipeline of this magnitude
Would be a deathly blow
It would annihilate our being
And our heritage would go
The watermills would be closed down
No fishing any more
We would all be high and dry
Our whole world gone for sure
It would finish us completely
and the message it would send
To the great indigenous people
That our journeys at an end
Our sustainable approach
to land,

and its management would be
Sidelined by a pipeline generating
4.5 MW and for that we’re threatened by
The corporate giants who would stand
and watch all of us die

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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