die every year from
prescription drugs already tested
On animals, torturing and killing those beasts
the scientists should be arrested
42% of new drugs do prove dangerous or useless
for how they were used
And each of them tested on Beagles and Primates those animals were so abused
Animal experimentation might be
useful for possibly one quarter
But tossing a coin
would be equally good
and research well it would be
much shorter
The great Pharmaceutical Companies know
that animal tests are no good
Its just documentation, to say that they’ve done,it whether or not they still show
Volumes of data om rats, mice and Hamsters
allow Corporations to say
That what they are doing is work hard to keep us all safe though the animals pay
So they die for no reason, such exploitation
Money, its money for those
Torturing bastards, who don their white coats
sadists I now do suppose
Licensed to kill unlike 007
Licensed by Governments who
Derive some taxes, and possibly kick backs
which helps everything to go through
Clinical Trials should be broader and longer
Doctors know how futile these
Tests made on animals are in a nutshell
But its got to do with their fees
Animals you see are voiceless
Activists are labelled bad
ALF are the animal angels
Which just goes to prove now how sad
Terrorists that’s what they call them
The hot stuffy parliament men
Who get their arms twisted and pushed up their backs
agen and agen and agen!
Testing our drugs on our animals friends
Is archaic and karmically sick
The animal data is very misleading
It isn’t how most of us tick
Arthritic painkillers tested on animals
gave 60,000 souls strokes
Many were fatal karma was tested
And now its the new GM folks
Out there splicing the gene pool
God figures arrogant sods
Who mess with the blue print of life
as we know it
Again they are stuck up rich bods
With more in their pockets than brains in their head
So animal earthlings, alas
And humans who prey on the voiceless today
Will die a sad death yes en masse