By 5 and the sky is dark
The wind is picking up
Jack Frost now makes his mark
Across the rooves and windows
and picks out spiders who
allow him to spray all their webs
with his frosty dusting too.
The Commercial World kicked in
around 3 months ago
The Turkeys in great sheds
sang their last song
More of them were packed into
what already was a tight space
For Christmas has been brutal
all along
For them the men soon come
and yes they throttle them
and some get bashed and hammered
Its frustration
they’re tired they want to get home
to their families
and all partake in the wonderful
The factory farms are mean
on quality food and even hay
Their poor old legs had given out
on that concrete every day
no spring in concrete and its cold
and having aged so fast
a draught of jack Frost up one’s arse
You know your dye is cast.
So now its off to the superstore
The corporate market place
Frozen like great ice balloons
Dignity and grace
stripped and now left wanting
the pink and pappy look
sacrificed for profit
Its all there in the book!
Waiting for the customers
With tinsel in their hair
I’m loaded on a trolley
Bound for God know’s where