The Twin Towers

Shoulder to shoulder
Dust in our nostrils
Debris beside you
Girders and all
Down came the South Tower
Down came the North Tower
Fuel from the aircraft
That smashed through the wall
Firemen were ready
Hosepipes and axes
Policemen were ready
Whistles and all
Somehow some got out
Somehow some did it
Many though perished
As concrete did fall

Down to the sidewalk
Bodies came flying
Many were dying
Pulverised by
All this crescendo
Just out the window
Paper and people
Through my mind’s eye
Somebody did this
Planned it so coldly
Sat in some chair somewhere
Thought it all through
Then slept upon it
Sent his men foward
Evil intentions
What a sick stew
Hi-jacked the aircraft
Crammed with young bodies
Slaughtered each hostess
Made the planes go
Into the North Tower
Into the South Tower
Poured through the masonary
Rivers did flow

Innocent blood
Soaked the hellish of mortars
Down to the basement
The whole lot did go
Great cries of anguish
Panic and mayhem
Chilling and numbing
The valiant glow
Prayers lifting skyward
That seemed a by word
Nobody anywhere
Could understand
Morning was broken
People were working
Innocent souls
Put their lives in his hand
Far away hatred
Had fuelled a sick body
It skimmed through the ether
In silence was planned
Bush and his people
Would cry in their millions
And it would cost billions
The flames had been fanned

5 days of shared grief
Saw some out there singing
Firing their guns
Clearly happy to get
American’s roasting
Sick of their boasting
This was the end of their road
Some seemed set
To glorify murder
To sing to the roof tops
But they were naive
Yes the children of fear
It soon dawned on them too
The awesome corruption
That traversed a planet
It soon became clear
Shoulder to shoulder
Dust in their nostrils
Thats what we saw
It was beamed round the world
Terrorist insult
The new kamikaze
Such dire circumstances
In this we were hurled
We watched the firefighters
Unflinchingly sacred
They gave their lives too
To save others this day
Saw the world come together
Just chilled to the marrow
In this maelstrom of feeling
We’re all going to pay
And I cry in my heart
For the souls that already
Must search for a heaven
That may not be there
I shake at the thought
Of yet more slaughtered children
In some other country
that are not aware
I beg every person
Who feels we must strike back
To honour our father
And silently pray
I sink on my knees now
And hope for his favour
Revenge doesn’t have to be
The only way

Great sheets of concrete
Thats what we were seeing
New York Manhattan
And Washington caught
The phlegm of the terrorist
Beamed across countries
Cameras rolling
Lives were cut short
People all seeing
The most secret places
Where death bells did sound
All played out on T.V.
The death and the mayhem
It filled us with sickness
We shiver and shudder
In the land of the free

(I can’t help wondering why those buildings
came down so fast who were the architects
what was the spec perhaps we will find out with the passage of time)

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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