Animals Australia

I am not a butterfly
I’m a baby cow, and I
Love the fresh green grass
And like to look up at the sky
love to feel the wet wild flowers
and clover at my feet
And feel the sunshine on my back
I do so like the heat.And the cries of little children
walking down the lane
the old cock up upon the barn
Crowing like a train
My mother who they stole me from
to make a farmers pie
Veal and Ham, an egg or two
And here is where I lie

You got it I am Bobby
I’m black and white, and I
Live out in Australia
Yes I’m a poor sad guy
I’m unwanted, caged on concrete
on, some smelly straw
soon to be tossed on the road
that is what I’m for

Some of us get broken legs
Man handled, how they
Can be so unkind, to babies
in the bright light
of the day
The pens are overflowing
God gave us life to live
24 hours without any food
They just don’t want to give

Us sustenance which worries us
for we know the end is near
Look into my eyes and see
the brain fog yes I fear
I am just a statistic
700, thou that figure I am sure
Stolen from their mothers
And wait at the slaughter door

And today I’m one and I know it
I’m Bobby thats my name
The dairy industry forget to say
That thats my claim to fame
I could have lived for 15 years
But 5 days is my lot
Australian farmers need a return
slit my throat and then they’ve got

their return!

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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