Category Archives: Conspiracy Theories

Sunday 7th July

This morning a sweet blue sky This afternoon we see The blue has gone and grey replaces The light diminishingly Not a lot of wind around But scoops of powerful rain Scallop designs on window panes Rats feel it in … Continue reading

Posted in A likely story, A not my king story, Abandonment, Con trails, Conspiracy Theories, Environmental Poems, Weather Patterns | Leave a comment

Pangolin from Malay one who rolls up

A ant and termite eater A gentle shy slow mover Covered in scales And why keratin like our hair and animal horn In India and Africa It wishes it wasn’t born the Chinese And the Vietnamese use the scales And … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Conspiracy Theories, Pangolin trade in exotic species, TCM | Leave a comment


A genius of long before Who took to the platform His sense was raw He knew his stuff A sage of old His cries of wonder We were told We’re weirdly wrong But then again It’s us that are going … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ARROGANCE AND DIEOFFS, Breathing and pollution, Carbon emissions, Conspiracy Theories, Duty of care was never there, energy(developing new ideas), Environmental Poems, Explorers and Visionaries, Freedom and what's happening to it, Haarp and weather moidification, People I have observed, Plastics single use | Leave a comment


Stratospheric Aerosol Injection geo engineering poses threats Bacterium DNA and all of those particles Heavy metals falling really let’s The bugs below imagine far more horrid things Likely it’s unseen but from the sky The jets are working overtime Criss … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Conspiracy Theories, Corporate manslaughter, Environmental Poems, Nanotechnolgy, Thoughts/rambles/dreams/whatever | Leave a comment

Net zero

The corporations mantra It’s blasted everywhere They have taken out the Amazon Rainforest laid bare Malaysia and Indonesia’s forest Much lost too The great red apes left dangling And stuck in many a zoo Arborials frustrated everywhere we go The … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Australia and the epic journeys, autism, Brazil, Breathing and pollution, Captivity, CHINA food obscenity, Conspiracy Theories, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems, Environmental Poems, Experimentation, Extinction, Fluoridation of our water supply, Food Processing, Forests and wild places, Freedom and what's happening to it, Glyphosate, Haarp and weather moidification, Human rights sex enslavement ISIL, Mining and destruction of habitat, Mining and its consequences, Orangutan(Person of the forest), Pesticides, Science, slaughterhouses and operatives, Starvation and the Poor, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, Towerblocks, Tree's that I am close to, Trees, Trees our silent friends, vaccinations, Water and chemicalisation of it, whistleblowers, womens issues, world domination | Leave a comment

Lough Neagh

This massive lake The biggest actually in the whole UK Home to Eels that live and die And apparently do pay A high price for their want to be Calling it where they Take up residence A massive business in … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Conspiracy Theories, EELS OR FINGERLINGS, Glyphosate, Heavy metals | Leave a comment

Genetics on display

To the carnivores all over Vaccines are going to be Pumped into farm animals All done genetically Changing them forever Altering their soul Creating vile diseases A mighty awful toll Consumers will be Guinea pigs Sequestered2harm Every single1 of them … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, Chickens, CHINA food obscenity, Conspiracy Theories, Corporate Giants, Experimentation, Genetics | Leave a comment

Geo engineers

The jets are all up there Out in the blue Barium, viruses oh yes it’s true Polymer fibres Geo engineers In reaLity spraying nothing tween their ears Just Corporate profit And more and more tears

Posted in Conspiracy Theories, Environmental Poems | Leave a comment

Palliative care denied

Monetising death deciding Sickly people who Are close to death or dying What now we can do Is take away the palliative care Speed up their demise Our health service is in decline This We have to realise

Posted in Abalone “ba0 yu “, activism, Conspiracy Theories, Death and Dying | Leave a comment

Chem trails over Rotten Bend

one of those jets a mile up high tearing through an April sky spewing strontium and Barium can you hear my on going  sigh   Are  chem trail pilots family men do they have children if they  do when. did … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, ccorporate America, Conspiracy Theories, Environmental Poems, Experimentation | Leave a comment

Close your eyes

close  your eyes 100,000-200,000 says he One Sajid javid hls cretinous plea goes up Boris Johnson the hair cut divide mandated ill fated berated he lied public opinion everyone knows he’ s  an arse first class in extraordinary prose.  

Posted in Abandonment, activism, CAFO's and factory farms, Conspiracy Theories, Pangolin trade in exotic species, Politics | Leave a comment


The medics via pure arrogance Suggest that the above Is really not a disease at all That it came from the sky above They deny that there are chem trails And depopulation too They say we are delusional About Parasitosis … Continue reading

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The EU screw

What were negotiations like A brain washing affair Double speak and bloody cheek And agreements from no where Sovereignty just torn up The institution notes The EU so intrusive It just dries up all our throats Lobby groups and think … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Conspiracy Theories, Politics | Leave a comment

Notre Dame

A conundrum exists In so many hearts The twin towers suggests Something more Watching the images The exposition The prejudices In the raw A great church Is burning What misunderstanding The fire going Against the flow 800 year oaks dont … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art, Conspiracy Theories, Emotional Poems, Freedom and what's happening to it, Paris in November, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment

Norway’ s arrogance

There was once established wolf zones But the government of the day Decides that hunters have the right To kill them anyway Such arrogance is unfounded They are unable to see 6 wolf packs in the area That supposedly should … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Conspiracy Theories, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Wolves | Leave a comment

“Under the sky”

Under the sky The once peaceful heaven The colours of morning Once as blue as the sea Now streaked up with Aerosols And as bugs we scatter No matter We stutter For no longer we be In freedom no tragically … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Conspiracy Theories, Corporate Giants, Environmental Poems | Leave a comment


A land walking mannatee Created we hear To end certain hunger Although its not clear A Genetically altered Creative attempt To put food on the table And therefore pre empt The world and its shortages Apparently This beautiful kind caring … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Conspiracy Theories, Genetics, Pigs | Leave a comment

Royalty and Corporatism

A golden piano For our golden oldies Respect for each other Grenfell and the rest Gatwick the drone scare And BREXIT the nightmare And ofcourse Mrs May Negotiator the best! The queen looked resplendent Surrounded by grandeur 92 years of … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Conspiracy Theories | Leave a comment


It stands there In all its glory Is that the word to use 7000 oil drums Are there any clues To why its there Christo and Jean Claude Those two apparently Created this piece of art For all of us … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Conspiracy Theories, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment

A Panopticon

Who was the many eyed Giant? Panoptes by name he was called A Jeremy Benson Smacks of control His system of design clearly schooled Prison apparently given to watchmen Watching but not being seen Based on deception Not the reception … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Activism in art, Conspiracy Theories | Leave a comment

Elberton and its Guide Stones

Some 750 feet above sea level They The granite monoliths stand tall On any given day Looking down upon us Since 1980 they Command a true expression The Guide Stones So they say Someobody called Christian Paid for them to … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Activism in art, Conspiracy Theories | Leave a comment

It happened in Salisbury

Its easy to lead Those who would rather not know The ways of the mind Moved by the flow Of negative consequence And nullified thought And Unfounded stories Unbegotten and caught Up in the melee of extinct ways To find … Continue reading

Posted in Conspiracy Theories, Politics, Topical News Stories II, world domination | Leave a comment


Films and their endings Leave so much to those Who follow the story line And watch as it grows And Then its all over which leaves us to feel It was just a brief bite Of a cherry for real … Continue reading

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A single minded commitment to the People of the land An unwavering tenacity That all could understand The privilege of being the alignment of the true To have the manoeuvrability And the leverage to pursue The heartfelt and emancipated women … Continue reading

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question their wisdom

The troughs now depicted all over the sky From jets and now drones that all like to fly Those pilots so senseless clearly they know why They evacuate poisons down on us from high Onto their families their very own … Continue reading

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tetra cops

whose essential we are essential the grounded ones the law kitted out in riot gear we all know what thats for to just take on the public the scare de cats who might panic in the moment and all try … Continue reading

Posted in activism, ccorporate America, Conspiracy Theories | Leave a comment

The supposed moon landing

The conflict of thought The arrogance sought It’s the failure of soul And the will to control To inflict on us all Really to overhaul Our emotions in thinking Science did call A tune if you like Call us out … Continue reading

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The EU and the US tried by stealth To run us down Brought this so called TTIP In red tape we shall drown The crap about a boost to all economies Is all pie in the sky And pigeons coming … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Conspiracy Theories, Corporate Giants, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Environmental Poems, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment

Weather modification special request to the so called military pilots

Weather modification Let’s celebrate with the gods The ignorant weather wizards Just a bunch of sods Dedicated to earning A salary to break The poverty of all pensioners For everybody’s sake GEO engineering the new kid on the block Children … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Conspiracy Theories, Environmental Poems, Haarp and weather moidification | Leave a comment


William Cooper met his maker In a hail of fire What became of his pale horse It bolted in that dire Reason for his haunting His daughter Dorothy Was told that William Loved her And he did so avidly.

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