Category Archives: Lepidoptera


Their camouflage amazing A natural cover for Protection against the elements And predation And whats more Our eyes fooled and others Actually might not see And these colours Aiding and abetting Perhaps hostility Idea came from Jonathan Patterson A photo … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Ethereal Poems, Lepidoptera | Leave a comment

2323 following 300 years of insect devouring

After 300 years of eating insects 2323 Births may then be registered And how some folk might be The overcurious might By then a painted lady A skipper a swallow tail And perhaps a fritillary Sailing over hill and dale

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Lepidoptera | Leave a comment

Speedwell,Veronica,Gypsy Weed, Birds Eye.

From the labyrinth at The Rollright Stones the Cotswold ‘s  Order  who planted it beside the circle its what druids do   from  it’s very being there has risen Beautifully the wild plant known  as Speedwell or Veronica We be   … Continue reading

Posted in Flowers, Lepidoptera, The Sabbats and the old craft | Leave a comment


An element of naivety Thats, if you ask me I have always thought that Souls that fly And visit flowers Would be Assisting pollination To call a soul a pest Is an arrogance Beyond me But its something To attest … Continue reading

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