Category Archives: Explorers of note

Getting my wings

Wings I need them though they are small Without them I can’t fly A chance to launch out run and keep A moment in the sky Up there keep a presence As chickens it’s a thing Though I left my … Continue reading

Posted in EMF and animals sensitivity to it (stories from around the world), energy(developing new ideas), Explorers of note, Forests and wild places | Leave a comment

“Fire” Mountain or Wingen

It was thought to be volcanic A mountain burning long The Aborigines called it Wingen Fire still going strong They thought a tribesman caused it Who lit a fire and he Was carried off by the evil one Back in … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, Australia and the epic journeys, Breathing and pollution, Carbon emissions, Coal, Explorers and Visionaries, Explorers of note, Forests and wild places | Leave a comment

The smoking hills of Cape Bathurst in Canada

On the East coast of Cape Bathurst Close to the Arctic Ocean Oil hydrocarbons have been burning Actually oil shales John Franklin first discovered them In 1826 Lit by auto ignition One of those old tales the lignite underground The … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, Coal, Explorers and Visionaries, Explorers of note | Leave a comment


Poppies quietly dormantly rest, under the soil where everything’s best warmth possibly and darkness too Time omni present It’s where the seeds do Their magic they sprout in the fullness of time Evoking the spirit to Upwardly climb Blushingly red … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art, Environmental Poems, Explorers of note, Flowers, Forests and wild places, Hedgerows | Leave a comment

The “Thunder”

A Norwegian ship built A while ago in 1969 Part of The Bandit six Group With shrewd heads in the line Were there, hunting and poaching In the Southern Ocean where The Patagonia Tooth Fish Resides and likes to share … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Channeled Works, Explorers and Visionaries, Explorers of note, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Ocean, OCEANS And water courses | Leave a comment

Non invasive species on the menu

Consumption of wild animals Does appear to be The order of the day In Certain quarters Where we see High powered very important people Fronting corporations At annual dinners Being served In what’s called celebrations Of taking the pressure off … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, amphibians, Explorers and Visionaries, Explorers of note, Extinction | Leave a comment


A homeless dog Kept following different ladies on the street Affirming some acceptance Or hopeful of a treat Disguising one’s affection Is no a easy thing to do Being a homeless animal and being voiceless too A white dog Clearly … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Dogs, Explorers of note, Howl a | Leave a comment

Adam Shoults

The epitome of an adventurer With a restlessness to feel The art of being vulnerable And tempt providence for real A cartographer who imagined The lines on maps conceal Myriads of wonderment And essentially whats real That visionary approach That … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Poems, Explorers of note, People I have observed | Leave a comment