
Chiroptera the winged hand
Mammals that can fly
Suffering from the human trait
Of slagging them off
But why
Did Bram Stoker cause confusion
With Dracula where he
Planted a seed in many a mind
And there in fact it be

All bats are seen as eerie
Ignorantly some feel
They are flying rodents
That actually lack appeal
But nothing could be further from the truth
It must be said
For the bats are insect devourers
So let me put to bed

The idea they are pest controllers
They are wild souls of the night
They live in roosts in caves and holes
Mammals that gained flight
They choose to hang upside down
And view the world that way
Foragers of insects and beetles
And moths that come their way

SClearly they eat insects
As many as they can find
Mosquito’s and their larvae
Of course they have dined
But they require such energy
And nutrition is their key
So they also take out moths and flies
And midges actually

Some will take out beetles and june fbugs
And mayflies
Some will fly to street lamps
And hoover up those guys
Its unlikely they are mosquitos
More likely moths me thinks
But clearly they are consuming lots
When we have our 40 winks

Birds too like the purple martin
And dragonflies consume
Mosquito’s in their thousands
And damsel flies who loom
ArOund consuming madly
As do the frogs and toads
And also of course the tadpoles
All of them eat loads

The bigger bats eat beetles
Good nutrition there
All part of the arsenal
That GAIA has made aware
Balance is her modus operandi
And therefore
Thats the realization
Its not what they are for

To eat up all the mosquitos
Essentially they do
Eat their share
So its good they are there
But equally its true
They do eat other insects
That give them greater fuel
Cucumber beetles a delicacy
A kind of batty gruel

That feeling of eerieness
Detracts from their esteem
They surely are our flying friends
And if they reach our dream
It should be in the positive
For they are great beings and
There are 1300 different types
For us to understand

There are vampire bats approximately 3 of the many species
Living entirely on blood

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Bats

  1. Noelene says:

    What a wonderful poem. You have explained the habits of these mystical creatures, beautifully. Thank you Rex. xx

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