Monthly Archives: August 2022

Battery Hens

Chickens in cages These most joyful birds Cages not much bigger than a chicken itself Really there are just no words To describe man his evil Progressing to the level of monster It’s true Chickens can’t flap Just lay still … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Chickens | Leave a comment

Philippines dogmeat trade

The dog meat trade Philippines An evil affair Blatantly obvious To anyone there Enormous suffering A waking nightmare Monsters operating Without any care They are vile they are cruel They get pleasure from it The depths of misery Is where … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Dogs | Leave a comment

Pollution and the Southern Resident Orca’s

Southern Resident Orcas Maybe 75 Left with 12 in a poor state Fighting to survive Pollution revolution Waste water everywhere It’s hard to swim in all this shit And breathe the foul despair   Friends of the Earth

Posted in Breathing and pollution, ccorporate America, Environmental Poems, Orca's and Dolphins | Leave a comment

Valencia 2021

The suns out the skys blue It’s hot& we see Valencia bursting with excitement There be sangria flowing Bulls running too Arousal & stirring And passion anew Bustling and rushing It’s dangerous Running the bulls Heady sad Ethics went out … Continue reading

Posted in Calves and Cows and Bulls | Leave a comment

From farm to the death camp or abattoir

U must have seen these gr8 huge trucks Loaded full of animals chicks pigs & even ducks In the heat & in the cold going 2their death An odd eye peering out in2the street below Sometimes a hoof a trotter … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, slaughterhouses and operatives | Leave a comment

The characterless killers

With over a1000 poems on hunters They get on at me some of them do They think they r nobility princes of gentility Patricians even some of them Chivalrous their view We all know they r shady 2 the 21st … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Hunters the ugly wasters

The indifference and the lack of zeal Out there hunting they can’t feel Anything natural no desire Impersonal and uninvolved Disenchanted nothing solved In life in wildness impassive they Unimaginative more so each day. Guilty of the finality of precious … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Hunters so called

Hunters male or female Nasty bits of work More like a rash or virus How they seem 2lurk In shadow guns cocked idling In a thicket they Finger on the the trigger They want to blow away So many indiscretions

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Camberely Kate

So many lost an eternal story The canine brigade and the felines as well From domestic to Feral Wildly they wander In those days even less For less then would squander Streetwise the ruts and the rats In the mix … Continue reading

Posted in cats, Dogs, Starvation and the Poor, The Arts and Culture, womens issues | Leave a comment

Rangers protecting the wild ones

National Park Rescue Out there doing their stuff Employing wonderful Rangers Who are now getting tough With the Nasty malicious poachers Destroying as they go Many armed up to the teeth But our rangers they must go Everywhere protecting And … Continue reading

Posted in activism | Leave a comment

Hunters on social media

Social Media ban the faces Of hunters kneeling by those souls Shot down in their country haunts Murdered in cold blood Their roles They had the money My ask what for To ambush these animals Outside the law Cert x … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Fox Hunting, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts) | Leave a comment

Dumping raw sewage into coastal seas

The coastal sea is where we are dumping Those dumping really should get a thumping The government should make it clear Watch the vile flows now off of the pier Fishing close to beaches feel Wrong on all counts For … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Breathing and pollution, Water and chemicalisation of it | Leave a comment

Low life trappers

Cowardice v courage The valour that we see A victim going about it’s business Trapped and instantly Suffering the vagaries The lily-livered who Leave their rotten traps about For the unsuspecting who Eventually bleed out and die Or are shot … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, furs and the fur industry, traps and snares | Leave a comment

Glue traps those who buy them

People who buy these means to trap Have lost their sensitivity Perhaps they never had it In the first place That’s if you ask me Caught in glue the struggle to Remove oneself the pain Crucified on this vile mass … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, traps and snares | Leave a comment

Glue traps stop selling them even tiny souls suffer

Glue traps r immensely cruel Sellers buyers hear the school Of thought the mammals and insects caught Suffer frustration and pain It’s really obvious But apparently It’s good they die so terribly All creatures whether big or small Have hearts … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Rights, Appliances, Bats, Mice and rodents, MOLES | Leave a comment

Live food markets are torturing through ignorance of pain and suffering

Live food markets Call out those workers For the cruelty that some suppose Fish and crabs and frogs appear To be treated badly And it us clear Operatives decide that they Do not feel pain and go out of their … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Aquaria or watery zoo, Crabs, EELS OR FINGERLINGS, Japanese food obscenity, JELLYFISH | Leave a comment

Control meters nothing to do with being smart though

Big brother in his ivory tower Looks down upon the minion hordes Smart meters are the new device They are what’s known as rabid swords To pierce the souls of those who pay For energy the tariffs rising every sodding … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Business Management, General Poems | Leave a comment


Africa’s droughts are so profound Encrusting and hardening our precious groundHuman and animal suffer and be Dried out and suffering so savagely We beg for the rains The need for to see Crops growing high Looking into the sky Hoping … Continue reading

Posted in activism, Africa | Leave a comment

Jetster talking to the dogs

The dogs were in the kitchen With jetster today Getting a lowdown To talk about play To listen to the cat A wide eyed semi wild A hunter at night Who seemingly dialled Into feline wizardry He knew the fae … Continue reading

Posted in activism, cats, Dogs, Mice and rodents | Leave a comment

The old donkey

Battered and bruised Her heart broken for sure Nobody loves here She wishes for more She struggles each day Every tendon pulled tight Not fed very much No she doesn’t ’ feel right Suffering so Where is god where is … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Captivity, Donkeys and working animals, Uncategorized | Leave a comment


Remember “ night bird”she came out to sing The sweetest refrain her soft spirit did bring Soulful sweet muttering into our heart That took in the appeal just when she did start Riddled with cancer eating her fast 30 years … Continue reading

Posted in Explorers and Visionaries, Goddesses | Leave a comment

Horses in Oz

Tis the city this ditty is aimed fair and square Where the clutter and splutter hang in the air Still we see horses where there is money to make Where the struggle is harder for their piece of cake Australia … Continue reading

Posted in Australia and the epic journeys, Horses, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

A retort without thought other than support

A soft hearted Angel Suggests to me she Survives on her caring And sharing she be Far ahead over the hills all aflame And her beautiful shadow The world wants to claim Blocked disingenuously For me is wrong Those doings … Continue reading

Posted in Activism in art | Leave a comment

An actual conversation

Oblivion feels away off in the sphere The sound of her breath On the phone Very near Out in the forest Darkness she said The tent was erected And she’d been fed Charging the phones With the car, in the … Continue reading

Posted in Breathing in colour | Leave a comment

The banshee blood curdling lament

In France once The cry of a banshee It cut through my soul deep & strong I went to the farmyard & just stood outside A Cow, in the twilight a song Of sorts & true tears emanating Her calf … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, Dumbed down and ghoulish, Duty of care was never there, Emotional Poems | Leave a comment

Finality is too long to wait

There’s no way back After my eyes close shut That is the end I will not see your face ever again My beloved friend Centuries of dreaming In the bubble which is me sailing around the universe Looking hard to … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Death and Dying, Emotional Poems | Leave a comment

Tears of the goddess tis you

The wind brings its music of Summer An energy of evermore It comes with a kiss and a cuddle Promising a love that is sure The rain brings cooling creative desires A caressing influence, We Walk in it let it … Continue reading

Posted in Goddesses, magick | Leave a comment

Soul Mates

soul mates The searching is over That knowing was growing inside both on the very same pathway 2 b in the forest,to glide On besoms beyond all horizons The magic of being seeing The glowing the knowing the care Breaking … Continue reading

Posted in Ethereal Poems, Explorers and Visionaries, Love poems, relationships and breakdown, Rex's Little Bits of Philosophy, thoughts of friends who have passed on, Unrequited Love | Leave a comment

Our Roundup is coming after my death you might agree

Do you feel what you do is the right thing Glyphosate you bought a tin You can’t bend your back Or forage the wild plants No you launch your attack Roundup is hellish its evil It’s ugly it’s permanent,it Gets … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, birds and the environment, Environmental Poems, Experimentation, Extinction, General Poems, Topical News Stories II | Leave a comment

A Druids Lament for Mother Earth

The earth is not ours We are leasing the part we live in Under our feet in the sky All is shared With the bugs with the Bee’s With the birds Mammals hold back in the shadows Claiming their places … Continue reading

Posted in Abandonment, activism, Environmental Poems, The greatest disease of all arrogance coupled with the ignorance of life, The Sabbats and the old craft, Trials and Tribulations of an ongoing illness | Leave a comment