It happened in mid wales
Or so someone said
A farmer his business
Was failing which led
Him to inject his cows
With red diesel to see
If it messed up the readings
On what was TB
It was for compensation
Apparently he
Could mask what was happening
Which is extraordinary
Badgers are being killed
And farmers we hear
Are messing with samples
Can you feel the fear
Rising around us
With farmers like this
Certainly at it
All taking the piss
And ofcourse the wise tories
And the big EU
Paying out subsidies
Which they take from you
Thats what is happening
The gravy train
rumbles through mid wales
And down into the drain
Diesel injected into cows
no redress!
Welsh farmers clearly
Are now in a mess
Caring for cows
By injecting them so
With red diesel a weasel
Like this farmer know
Its lethal to do this
Painfully so
I think they should drink it
And painfully go
To hell in a cattle truck
For all I care
Subsidies paid out for F all
The animals suffer
Thats what they do
And badgers are slaughtered
yes that much is true
Close the bloody farm
And take all the animals away