The indigenous have their culture
And Yoruba is the one
It celebrates the river goddess
OShun and what she’s done
Yellow is her colour
Or gold and copper too
So lots of copper jewellery
The ladies have on view
Many walk in procession
It’s the cleansing of the town
The indigenous some tourists
It’s really going down
Well it’s getting sponsors
From governments and they
Put money into keeping it going do to say
The indigenous ways ere failing
But Its not strictly true
Not everybody understands
What it is they do
But there are lots of stories
She’s the patroness of spells
Of love or romance and marriage
The celebration tells
That she is the Aphrodite
Of Africa and Cuba
And also of the river water
Even from Aruba
People come to celebrate
And what some people say
Is when she’s happy
Things are good
But her temper flies away
And then she causes problems
It’s interesting to see
People following ancient crafts
And traditions actually
Ancient crafts are everywhere
Knowledge handed down
Not a lot is written
She never wore a crown
But yellow beads of amber
Apparently signify
The handkerchiefs the goddess wore
To attract her special guy
the procession goes to a secret grove
Clearly a sacred place
On Isese day the worshippers
Are the first to show their face
So here we have a celebration
From Nigeria and we
Can see people from all over come
To celebrate and be
Happy on 8th September
The goddess of the abdominal area and
Especially problems with childbirth
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