4 and 1/2 years only

How many tears
Are worth four and a half years
Its something we must
Ask to be sure
He was outside the law
He reached into the pit of disgust

Those animals knew
That this bastard did screw
He allowed the men to do their thing
Pummel and kick
It just makes me sick
That the shit be brought into the ring

Into the dairy where we are all wary
Cows get a terrible time
Their calves yea so many
Don’t know how any
Live really to tell this tale
And this rhyme

We must break that mould
For ever
The dairy is not squeaky clean
Calves get a beating cows do as well
Its a very cruel and unfair scene

And this man got found out
And rightly
He broke all the laws in the book
Animals were tortured abused knocked about
All we had to do was just look

But many knew and looked the other way
And men working there went to town
So it took all this time
And some did not climb
Back up after being knocked down

Downers and others got frightened
Jumpy and lost their lives there
Not being treated the way they should have
They died really feeling despair

So this man got sent away
And made to see
The abuse in his farm was not on
The frustration that builds up
Its easy to see
In many ways its one big con

Humans drinking milk
That belongs to the cow
Is all wrong its all bloody wrong
Cheese yoghurt chocolate
Ice cream and so forth
In our guts it just doesn’t belong

Its packed full of antibiotics
Hormones and enhancers too
If you thought you get slim
From drinking the stuff
I can tell you its not what to do

Growth enhancers thats what its doing
Changing our structure so we
Grow very quickly like cows do
But our brains slow down so rapidly

If its IQ you are thinking to get
Milk from a cow will not do
And they live very short lives
Compared to us they
Are dead in one decade or two

Its all about growing fast
Putting on weight
Thats cow nutrition today
Processing killing off the cow nutrition
And hoping the humans will pay

is a wash out its now an old chestnut
Humans have more sense than this
You can’t raise an elephant on this cows
All the dairies are taking the piss

I hope that he rots in that old prison cell
And remembers the animals killed
How they went to their death being tortured like hell
And seeing their blood being spilled
i hope that he rots for all of their tears
Are worth twenty life times
Not 4 and 1/ 2years!
He got awaY really with all of that Crime
And now all I hope is he serves all his time

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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