Canned Hunts the Lions deserve much better

6 great beasts sit in judgement

in their heads the cuddling farms

that was their  kind of grounding

those tender human arms

that use to molly coddle

them when they were so young

and now they sit in earnest

really now among


the bold and brave

holed up in their dungeons

a gang of guys

a suspicion

that the future

is likely to be


6 bold Lions in situ

their blood surely is sought


by the vile and nasty hunters

who pay a ransom to

come and shoot the hell out of

the 6 Lions and some do

miss of course and have to be

shot by the ranger man

its all about the ego

nothing about life span


canned hunting is a pastime

for the well heeled

brain dead type

heartless  full on arrogance

really so much tripe

they talk up conservation

with murder on their lips

they pay the piper lots of cash

and so enjoy his trips


there’s a lot of bones in 6 Lions

call them tiger cake

and thats a lot of money

yes be it all fake

the chinese will not know the difference

so its got to be

money yea, blood money

a way to go  to see


all the other parts

earn money too

out in the East

the skin of course

someone will buy

the meat

and someone will feast

so there’s money in  canned hunting

and 6 Lions will create

a lot of money in the bank

oh God they cannot wait


canned hunting is an anathema

a cancer I can say

Afrika is gorging itself

on the decay

choking on the guts and blood

the sinew and the fat

the hunters come and the hunters go

knowing where they were at


and then its trophy exports

more money in the pot

its just like printing dollar bills

6 Lions make a lot

who cares what the  animals rights are

they don’t have any clout

the hunting tribe are rich and powerful

and thats what its about!







About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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