A cow weighs lots
imagine being hung up
by one leg
swinging on a gantry
clearly as they beg
to be let down
so hopeful
that they can walk away
into the long grass
into the clover
where butterflies do play
hanging there
and twisting around
giddy by it all
we want to eat its muscle
and its fat
for as a rule
we want to use its leather
its tongue even its tail
its legs we want to stew them
a casserole with ale
the knife it gleams
and watch as it cuts across its throat
splits its precious jugular
suddenly afloat
in all the blood and sputum
the executioner
covered in the blood and gore
and now a crimson coat
they swing there in such solace
the pain erupts as they
vomit from the shock of it
as they pass away
shivering and shaking
the metal pail is full
no more the green and verdant fields
as on the leg the pull
is clearly dead weight and heavy
bleeding out like so
a wondrous cow walked in here
whose now finished as we know