Old Brock seems doomed according to the Coalition

5000 Badgers are due to hit the dust
in June its starts
and many of us
know that its unjust
stories from the cattle men
and they are just not true
but Brock is going to feel the wrath
and what he ought to do
is get out of the country
bugger off somewhere
two toes to the ranchers
he is now aware
but of course they grin and bear it
when the farmers come to town
lay there as they slaughter them
and don’t let it, get them down
but again where there is power
there is corruption
where there are excuses
people say
its wrong its wrong of course its wrong
we know its wrong
but when it kicks off
they look the other way
5000 souls are going to be sacrificed
the minister has spoken and he’s sure
when they kill the Badgers
that all the TB problems
for cattle can be filed for evermore
so we can wait and see
what is the outcome
the deaths are on his head and he
can answer to the badgers
and to Karma for all those deaths
will unversally
be noted for creation
was at work here
5000 souls is quite a feat
but man
doesn’t care about why
they were put here
he’s spoken
and of him
I am no fan
My vote he never can expect it
his party have lost my vote
for evermore
not that they will worry
still nor do I
for its them that now have
messed with Natural Law

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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