Dressage, a cruel and nasty
sport that’s if you ask me
a totally unnatural gait
that the horse does painfully
it was what was done when horses
were taken into War
and to make a horse go
through all that
we must ask ourselves
what for?
the riders stiff and miserable
have spurs and use them too
and special bits that hurt the horses
mouth, to make it do
the kind of really stilted stuff
where no horse wants to be
and horses put through dressage
get high risk injury
you can see them wince and holler
and a feeling person can
pick up genuine horror
I’d ask now for a ban
to do it all to music
well thats rubbing salt into
the wounds it just compounds
the pain, and that’s my honest view
Curb bits, chin chains
crank nosebands, spurs
and Rolikur
hyperflexion of the horse’s neck
do you concur?
its all down to aggressive force
as the poor horse suffers so
the crowd roars and the band plays
and the horse’s tears just flow
it has been noted tongues
turn blue
its torture so to say
a vile and nasty test of whether
the horse should have to pay
riders choose to work with
the neck lowered to the chest
whatever people think is right or wrong
They know what’s best
at picking up
the honours,and the gongs
at the same time
stretching the horses back
through a great series of wrongs
horses should not be put through this
its actually a crime
by supporting it you are saying
its alright from time to time
Boycott Dressage from Today
if you are asked to go
Tell them its a vile cruel sport
and you do not want to know.