The tears in the eyes of
Ungulate females
Breastmilk still leaking
But their vital force
No longer required
By dairy professionals
Sick in their souls
Hitting profits of course
Ungulate mothers
Their bio energy
What is in fact
Their allotted span
Their reduced output
Despite all the hormones
Their time is up
And indeed a fresh plan
Sees truck loads
Shipped off to the death camps
And Maelstrom
Their crucifixion
Their agony,
Throats slit a’sunder
Fill up the sluices
Milk output down
And now where they be
Discarded like so much shit
being Dismembered
In pieces its burgers
The absurdity we
A godly miracle
Murdered in cold blood
And thrown on the floor
A complete tragedy.
Nut jobs are everywhere
Crackpots and oddballs
Doom watching no hopers
Defectives galore
Beautiful animals
Full of life’s promise
Sacrificed savagely
Painfully sore
A meaningless travesty
Played out and awful
Inanity emptiness
Blather and rant
Fatuous gabble
The incoherent rabble
Spaced out on gibberish
Sickly they pant
Karmically speaking
The burgers of bafflement
Masquerading as food
Of an untimely world
The cause and effect
Of this ineptitude
Depleted impoverished
Utterly crude
The great undoing
The nullification
Silencing life forms
To pulverisation
Too many destroyers
Vandals and ruffians
Ready to slaughter
As their mean salvation.
Step forward the porter
Ready to carry
The boxes now bulging
With death and destruction
The ruction
of many
Posterity welcomes
The spawn of the devil
Nothing is left
That was anyway level
The ungulate mothers
Their breasts still a dripping
One after another
Slaughter men tripping
On seeing the blood painting the walls
Getting off on the evil
Now coating the stalls
And a dairymen counting
The profits he made
From the unguLate ladies
That have now all been slayed