The question of zoophilia and non consent

I am not content
With no consent
And animals appear
To have the very thin
End of the wedge
And to this end I am

We need to look at
Human beings
And animals and say
There are many things
That humans do
Where theres no consent
And animals pay

Heavily and emotionally
Disregarded unconcerned
For me to provide some answers
For The couldn’t care less
Or the never learned

Ignored, passed over
Forgot,or slipshod
Abstracted distracted
Arrogant ignorant
Impassive forgetful

Amounting to violation
For what turns out to be
Human gain
Financially stacked
A message
They get from their brain

No consent
Ratify confirm or endorsed
Willing agreeing
And this is the crux of the problem
That we have with animals
And everyone really is crass

Semen collection
No animal wants this
Yet mankind does it everyday
We have seen it at seaworld
With orca’s and dolphins
The trainers are taught
Its the way

Farmers use insemination
Its artificial for they
Wont keep a boar on
When they can buy in
Flat packs of semen
They say

Its financially
More economic
To inseminate
So what we see
Farmers performing
The sexual act
And the sows
Get a biscuit or three

Hunting no animal
Ever consents
To this violation
and they
Many are stalked
or are ambushed
Or drugged
And killed
on the canned hunting day

Lab testing
What an anathema
Animals plucked from the wild
And made to experience
All sorts of agony
And So many of them defiled

For your face cream
Your medicine mrs
The cream for your piles
Shaving cream
Any excuse
Its animal abuse
The sensitives
Do hear them scream

Then ofcourse
How many agree
To be slaughtered
So flesh eating
humans can be
Sold cuts of flesh
Organs too
No animal living
So we do

Terrible things
To the animals we
Treat them with contempt
And most will not see
Will not watch
Say they care
But eat flesh every day
But they do so love animals
In every way

But are at the head
Of the queue for a steak
For a sausage for spare ribs
No give Just all take

Then we move swiftly
Back to the farms
And we see
Some gruesome experiences
That now be

Happening there
Animals pissed on
In barns
Beaten and thrown about
These are not yarns

This is now happening
it always has been
Animals suffering
We are obscene
And then there are brothels
Animals there
No consent
But in Europe
Some are aware

Animal brothels
Are out there
And they
Do have their clientele
Despite the dismay

For me it is rape
At the end of the day
On all of these counts
Where there is no consent
And the animals pay
Brute force and ignorance
Unrestrained and ungovernable
Unbridled stress

Getting my head around
For me is abuse
On a frightening scale
Since there is no consent
It is rape and ought be
Banned outright everywhere
Its depravity

And all violations
For financial gain
Should be seen as crime
For me its a bane
On society
Allowing the criminals to
Say its matter of fact
Its what we all do

Society slides a bit at a time
And animal brothels
Are making a climb
Back into being
In Europe today
You can go to a brothel
And have it away

With a dog
Till its backside
Is bleeding ……A tear
But its alright
Its legal
And it doesnt happen here

Or does it since
You dont want to know

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, animal diseases, Animal rape, Animal Rights, animals used for food, Food, Food Processing, Pigs. Bookmark the permalink.

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