Wild birds and fireworks

With a lack of culpability
Perhaps a sick delinquency
Too young to see a sinfulness
The heinous inexcusable stress
Placed on wild birds
Trapped in this way
To face a death
That who can say
Was wickedness was iniquity
Or Degeneration for all to see

Parental possibly a shamelessness
Transgressing into more is less
A baseless on a global scale
The good for nothing that really pale
Into a significance in their eyes
Rascality up in the skies

Let’s think aloud of those
Wild souls who
Are captured and tied yes tied into
A firework and it’s lit and they
Explode with force on any day

They die such fright such woeful strife
What a way to end ones life
A rocket takes you far and high
And there alas you are forced to die
For some sick joke
Some Chinese child
An interlude both brief and wild

A betrayal really of what was good
The disrespect they misunderstood
The need for life and for freedom to
Do what they were put here to do
No parameters anymore
The computer age
Sees things galore
Zombies blown up every day
So wild birds make a good display

Misfeasance yes it’s very wrong
In many ways they don’t belong
In this world where we all can share
The natural world and really care
It’s an artificial reasoning
It’s a loathing for the norm
We are brainwashing our children
For the impending storm

Fireworks tied to sparrows legs
Launched into the sky
What is the world coming to
When it’s joyful to watch souls die

I cannot even contemplate
The pickling of souls
When youth is rampant and demands
To take over controls
To slaughter and to hunt game
To torture birds at will
To punch each other’s lights out
And perhaps when asked to kill

Thank you Claudia for passing this story to me
It’s hellishly upsetting that children work this torture through their psyche and it will stay with them to be recounted later on
As for the poor wild birds I have no answer for them
They will ask themselves possibly why them
One can only write now one feels
It took me to another place however to think this through
Enough to try to make some sense of it.x

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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