
My World of darkness
Envelops all I am and all I see
I sense a lot I hear a lot
I dwell in sanctity
I feel the earth beneath my feet
And I can smell the air
Breathe in its life giving quality
And honestly to share

The spirit of each moment
But sadly I did fall
Into a dam now that’s a jam
No purpose for to call
My leg was clearly broken
The pain was sharp and clear
I cried out in that moment
And reacted to each tear

The darkness had enveloped me
I cried to kingdom come
Hearing my heart beating
Like a very noisy drum
Clearly I was suffering
The vagaries of light
Thrown into confusion
By the blindness of the night

I was stranded by emotion
And calling was my way
Of appealing to my sisters
To help me and to say
Just close to Dodderi village
For thirty days or more
I have languished in this tedium
In this pain forever raw

The men have come to feed me
With their sugar cane so sweet
With bananas from the forest
Maize and ragi so complete
So luscious and forgiving
Of my plight and sorry state
To get this love from humans
Inside me does create

A Wonder for eternitY
Blinded long ago
Darkness is my constant friend
To stay calm now to know
Help is coming it takes time
But people are around
I cry out because of the agony
For each time my heart does pound

It just sweeps up my leg into my shoulder
And I know however brave I think I am
The pain inside does grow
It’s true I am big and massive
But the pain is massive too
I know my friends are coming
As more thunderous steps ensue

Think of me dear human kind
For in this dam I be
Suffering the consequence of what came
Over me
The heat the swellings nature
The bruising and the thrust
Of energy within me
I know that I must trust

The powers to be for helping
That are around me now
I know the nursing doctors
Are here to help me how
I get out of this horror
A sanctuary maybe
BAnnerghatta National Park
Where I could wander free

Pray for me my darlings
Let’s me feel your power
So I can exchange my woefulness
And rest under your bower
Your evergreen emotion
Your softness can I say
Pray for me my darling
For what maybe my judgement day

A plea from Sidda the blind elephant
Lost in a dam in India
Who cries out to us all

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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