To exist in a mist of confusion and chaos
Where lovelessness comes and it goes
To break through that shell from a given spell
With this beak at the end of our nose
A chicken we be with a freedom to see
The conveyor of life rolling free
We are thrown by the hand born out of this land
Into an absurdity
Futility ramps up the journey
We sing with inglorious tones
With The exaggeration of many
Who feel the life force in our bones
The great revelation of being
Of seeing the realness of now
The purity of the experience
Of wondering really just how
Mankind could ever design this
These great metal rollers so we
Could ride off to heaven an army of souls
Demonstrating our will to be free
Undisguised we are routed in different directions
Hysteria surfaces and
The shrieks are so loud that they deafen
At the crossroads we can’t understand
We anticipated an astonishing time
And some of us took that to be
Down the great chute back into the root
Causing our own catastrophe
Ground up the pain of one moment
In time a slush funded ordeal
For once males were crushed and tragically brushed
Onto the great crushing wheel
Feathers and all just the ghastliness pool
Of bodies and clouds of regret
A false dawn was had it all turn to bad
Ill served and let down just a debt
In the setback of life we were nothing
Meaningless fodder that’s all
Twaddling gibbering bundles of yellow
Down the great hatch we did fall
The females were off to the cage lands
They would be laying all day
Prisoners locked in such squalor
Concealed in a dirty wire tray
Confined in a cell with some others
Duped into thinking that they
Were living a life that a chicken should live
Till death with his sickle did play
His part in their deaths and their memories
Hung upside down on a wheel
The great blade of death would tear off their heads
And the agony really was real
There’s an urgency on the horizon
Bound up with profits galore
And the cheap prices that keep us advancing
Into what is blood and gore
We are the forever victims
The chicks not for Easter for we
Lost that true status now nobody rates us
It’s all about taste tragically
Our verve and our sparkle is over
We chickens are destined for pies
Our drive and our forcefulness lost to the world
with you lot not hearing our cries
4 Responses to I am just one chick of the billions slaughtered each year