there she was
and just because
wild animals have hair
some folk are that ignorant
and some folk do not care
an animal is given hair or fur
its what they need
and the market share
for me does scare
when the animal must bleed
must suffer with the anal poker
imagine that just try
you are wild your trapped
put in a cage knowing that
soon you have to die
a poker is thrust in your rectum
a shock is going to be
your end game because they want your skin
and no one hears your plea
there she is the foul mouthed women
in a coat of assorted fur
she is asked why wear that
did it, ever occur
to you it belonged to animal
why would you seek to wear
this torture this dire horror
someone else hair
when there is so much more to choose in life
why take anothers skin
chemicals have to be used
and applied so you can win
your chance to wear the poor dead soul
who was tortured till it died
and how does that make you
right down deep inside
for me you are not oil painting
and you can never be
anything but an ugly sod
open your eyes and see
the wickedness and enormity
that your decision made
to an innocent who died a death
so you could just parade
around the streets imagining
that animals charm comes through
its unforgivable lady
what now that you do
of course you have no conscience
and probably cannot feel
corrupted by your arrogance
and that you conceal
but everyone can see it
your perverted choice of things
its a flagrant breach of character
and rapidly it brings
the injustice out for all to see
the meanness its so there
to disrespect creation
is of course you are unaware
of just how awfully ugly
you come across and be
walking down the pavement
so please don’t look at me
the irreverence that you display
makes me want to walk away
to turn my back but I have to say
you are aweless and you are going to pay
its my duty to try and shake
you out of this sickness
for the animals sake
someone has to say to you
that what you are doing you shouldn’t do
its spitefulness
its vengeful stuff
and madam
I have seen enough
inspired by
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