Just a baby having to suffer like that!

It happened in HARMONSTOWN
So we believe
That is in Dublin
And many will grieve
For what was brutality
On such a scale
These throw back
Truly they pale
Into perversion
For what they have done
Painstakingly murdered a young
Horse for fun

Just one year old
Its legs growing still
Its back very weak
Such a mischief will
Terribly frighten
And agonizingly
Threaten the life
Of a foal dreadfully

But this is what happened
Children so I heard
Can buy horses these days
On the drop of a word
For a packet of ciggies
Though in this case
The foal
Was probably stolen
The poor little soul

Then for a bet it was ridden
It would quickly go downhill
And breakdown they say
So weak very nervous
These ignorant fools
The bet being who could
Break all the rules
By riding a baby into the sod
Breaking its spirit
And testing its god

This is perversion
What these scoundrels have done
Is murdered a baby
And for a bit of fun
Ireland has clearly got a problem here
For this poor foal called “Thunder”
Nothing is clear

And there have been others
At least two or three
The local Garda know this to be
And its done in broad daylight
So people must know
Who is carrying it out
Who is well in the flow

But whoever they are
Clearly frighteners are out
No one is talking
Nothing about
The incident clearly
Too frightened to say
They hope it blows over
And Just goes away

But imagine that baby
Ridden around
Bursting with agony
And then when found
Because it fell down
It was weak and alone
They then broke its leg
They must have known

They then kicked its teeth in
Such violence abroad
So egregiously
And their reward
A baby then coughing
Out its blood and pain
These are the children
Of the bloody insane

And the fact that its happening
And this foal wasn’t the first
Honestly truthfully this is the worst
What are the Garda going to do
Its done in full daylight
Its depraved what they do

They should not be walking the streets
Of the town
So this is what some do
What is going down
And then they just leave
A soul mangled and dying
And go on their way
All bloody well lying

What is the remedy
A bloody good hiding
Where are their parents
And who is siding
With thugs little monsters
Polluted as hell
They have lost all respect
For life and their smell

Must be so obvious
Around the place
These are not children
They are a disgrace
Giving them refuge
Is improbity
It shows you lack conscience
And are as bad actually

The injustice and deviousness
Surrounding this case
The perpetrators
Are our human race
Is this what we are bringing
Into the world
Who rupture the innocent
And see them hurled
Into a maelstrom of evil and pain
Is this what creation
Accepts once again

I call on Epona
The greatest of mare
The Bryonic goddess
Her life force to share
Leading all souls in the great
She look kindly on”Thunder”
Whose pain and whose strife

Took him out of the realms
Of the naturalness he
Could have expected
And who may never be
Able to run with the goddess
And play
And whoever did this
Should be borne far away

Tested and threatened
And suffer and see
All the days of their lives
They will never break free
From the aura of Thunder
From the frightening way
That poor soul was murdered
On his final day

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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