A musician plays

A musician plays
As people pass
A striped shirt stands
And drinks his pop
And looks at his phone
But few though stop

Some money goes
Into his cup on the ground
And what we hear is a beautiful sound
A talented soul
With a wish to try
And appeal to all
Those passers by

But does he really
They go on their way
Few seem to hear
What he does play
To appreciate the spirit here
Compassion has to flow
Its fear
Will I be mugged
If I stand about
Will I be late
We live in doubt

Beautiful music
Played on the street
Classical tones
Our hearts to greet
But people just pass by
Thats what they do
No appreciation
At all for you

This is society sick and sore
What are some out there living for
Can they not appreciate
What we hear
And stop and listen
And try to clear
Their boring complex lives
A while
Just listen quietly
And reconcile

Share his spirit
Alone out there
Share his talents
And be aware
There is beauty in
The tune he plays
Which softens our world
In so many ways

Thank you man
For what you do
Bring us beauty
So sweet and true
No doubt its cathartic
For you as well
If just a few stop by and tell
Their story with red eyes
To you
Or a cell phone captures
What you do

And lots of people on face book
And hear and know
Now where you be
And I lay my thoughts
At your door
Hearing you
Knowing for sure
You are a majestic soul
And we
Should all stop by

Let your wisdom
Reach our soul
Let that beauty
Be our goal
Share the extraordinary
And perhaps sit by
You on the ground

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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