Andrey Trujillo and his street angels

We all salute your time and effort
And your heartfelt energy
Bogota Colombia the stray dog strategy
The cities homeless animals
Out there on the street
Some 45,000 cats and dogs
In all that dust and heat

A certain Andrey Trujillo
Decided what he would do
Would implement a programme
Of De worming dogs its true
His own sweet dog called “beto”
Who he loves with all his might
These are busy police officers
Who do these extra hours at night
The police loaned them a vehicle
And out there in all that grime
They act as little angels
Giving up their time

Animals without a home
Without love it is a phase
That all of us sometime in life go through
To be alone
To imagine we are not loved at all
Even if once we had known
Family life it was now the case
That our lives had fallen down
And these men were helping to
Really give some help around the town

For hours on end they help us
Its a dangerous place out here
The traffic and the people
And the hatred and the fear
To have a helping hand sometimes
When you are feeling low
For an animal earthling on the streets
It makes the old heart glow

Full marks to these real officers
Full marks to them for this
Taking a worn out lonely stray
And offering them some bliss
Some food maybe some fresh water
And some
Loving and some care
Thank you for your fantastic work
Its so great you are there

And thank you to the families
Who support this venture they
Give support to the officers
And help them through each day
Its giving of ones heart and soul
And its every single day
This is truly marvellous
In every single way

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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