Pelt the seal trade

For any man to use the argument
That cruelty
Is a way to make a living
Off and of dark adversity
And that they are valid arguments
To stoop down extra low
To even be abusive
And spiteful as we know

If someone doesn’t do these kinds of things
Someone else will be
Building up the rancour and the malice
And will see
How very hard our hearts become
How remorseless and how sick
Employing men to murder baby seals
With a hooked stick

To watch them with their mothers
And to melt each brain with ease
Be responsible for their slaughter
And joke about its ease
And the money to be made on baby seals skins
Soft smart coats that rich souls wish to buy
Why not be that trader
Who keeps the bankers sane
And Namibia and Canada
Who have everything to gain

For a man to use the argument
Propels him to a place
Where nemesis is waiting
For I know that is the case
Creation doesn’t work miracles
Producing babies where
Men can come an annihilate them
Completely unaware

Of their place on earth
And their value
Other than on someones back
Out in the wide wild world of life
Not killed and in some sack
Hatem Yavez will one day feel
The monster at his back
Where All these thousands of screaming babies
Suddenly attack

In the form of a cancer a heart attack maybe
Or just an unknown virus
That no one could foresee
Either way it will happen
And the joke if there be one here
Is the seals will somehow exact revenge
And raise a wave of fear

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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